
Some sites require JS to be able to function, such as youtube.

Javascript is a script used to command different parts of the site to function differently. This can also be used to make buttons function and so forth.

Also Java and Javascript have no relation. Java is a compiled langauage while javascript is interpreted.

Supported by all major browsers.


We use the Script Tags < script>< /script>

View -> Developer -> Js Console

You can write multiline scripts by using shift+enter.

You can also write snippits in chrome. This can be used to write as many lines of code as desired.

You know what, though? Firefox has a multi-line editor (use ctrl+enter) to write multiline codes.


How to know what instructions are valid?

MDN Javascript

Best Practice is to use double quotes for strings.

List of Best Practices

It is easiest to break a problem into pieces and think about each step while programming

Supplementary Material

Please find some supplementary material below:

Data Types

The way that data is classified so that a computer knows how to use that data.


You can use this to store a value that can then be used later.

This can be done by storing things like names, values, or ambitions, which can later be used.

Additionally, we can change the value of the variable.

Declared using var variablename;

Variable Naming

You should give variables meaningful names that we understand. This is so that we understand what the variables contain. We aren't allowed to call variables var.

Variable names cannot begin with numbers, but can contain numbers

Variable names cannot contain spaces.

There are some characters that cannot be in the name

Use camelcase lowercaseUppercaseUppercase.


// SIngleline comment

/*Multiline comment*/

Love Calculator?

Random Number - > Math.random(); Generates a number between 0-.9999... Never reaches 1, but can be 0. Creates a psuedo random float.

We can multiply this by 100 to get the percentage.

To give it a range, we can take some n, multiply it by the number of prob that we want, and then use a floor function on it. to make sure it is never 0, we have to add 1 to this.

Best practice is to put the script element at the ending of the body section. < script> element. This is because the page is rendered from top to bottom, so it will display information before parsing the code. The second thing is that the script needs to talk to the predefined elements that are already on the page. Putting this on the bottom ensures that elements are already rendered